
Wednesday 21 March 2018

Tai Chi Lessons 2 and 3

Image result for tai chiWe have had a great last two session of Tai Chi inthe last two weeks. We have had new students come in and start learning the things that we are. And we have learned a new form in Tai Chi called the ' Crane form ' . With this form came a story from our instructor Mr Gordon he told us that when he was in his late twenties and was starting to learn this form he had his nose broken by an eighty year old lady who was his instructor's mother. She had broken his nose with a single move and told him to go and wash all the blood of because his nose was bleeding and it was getting all over him. So once he had gone and washed all of the blood of his face he had gone back out and his instructor had noticed that his nose was broken and tried to put it back into place. And that was the story that he had told us about the first time he learnt the crane form after he had told us this story he had told us some of the forms that we had to do that were apart of the crane form.  After that we did all the forms a couple of times over before we got to go and play a game and get into our sharing circle  for our sharing circle we had to say our name and one good and one bad thing that had happened to us in the last week. And for our game we had to learn how to listen not with our ears but with our bodies that was our task at first we did not get it but then once we started to get into it and we all got what he meant. He meant to move with the motions of your partner like listening to the way that they moved and try to mimic their moves and after that you had a bit of a competition you had to try and push your opponent
 enough just to make them move their feet. Here is the link to my work .

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