
Monday 11 June 2018

Camp Vocabulary task

Today in class in our morning block before morning tea our class was working on there camp booklets and finishing of some of the tasks that were in the book. One task that everyone was doing in the morning was an alphabet from a to z listing all the words that related to our Camp. Everyone that was doing the task got stuck on at least one of the letters before they had finished, for me I got stuck doing the letters x and y. I think that it was hard to come up with words that started with these letters because we didn't do many things that started with x and y. The two words that I came up with for x and y was yawning and x - peariance. I choose these two words because everyone was yawning when ever we had to do zumba in the mornings to help wake us up and x - periance because the places that we went to so that we could do our activities all had  people with experience. I that this was a very fun and difficult task, because I was struggling to think of words that started with certain letters as we were doing the task, I thought that it was fun because me and my friends were all trying to help one another to think of some answers to write down and also that we had something to present when we were finished.

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