WALA : the Cookislands and the Cookisland Language
Yesterday was our Tuakana Teina day, Seeing how we have such a big class we had to split in two because we had to junior classes that were with usroom 4 and room 5. In the morning block we had Room 4 come up to our class, my buddie was Owyn. We did a presentation about ourselves and our junior buddies and teaching them the school values and what they mean.
After we had done those two tasks we went out side so that we could go and do some exercise. When we got outside we did some stretches and then went on to doing two exercises they were star jumps and reverse lunges, every time that I looked over at some of the little kids it looked like they were having a whole lot of fun doing outdoor activities with the older kids. After morning tea Room 5 came up to our class because half of the kids in our class are buddies with room 5 and the other half is buddied up with room 4. Me and a group of my friends were buddied up with room 4 so when room 4's teacher came up and got room 5 half of our class went down with them to help and finish of some tasks that we had done in the morning block. After the whole day I think that my favorite part of the day was getting to know the little kids in room 4 because when they came into our class only some of the kids in our class knew a little bit of the kids and they only knew a little bit of us.