Today In class the first thing that we did to start of the day was a maths test and in this blog post are the things that I found easy in my test and the things that I didn't find easy.
In the maths test I don’t think that I found much of the questions easy they were all challenging. I did find two of the questions easy and they were to do with multiplication.
When I did find one hard questions and it was to do with time. For the time question you had to answer witch bus time would be faster to get from a university ( Pretend ) to Balavanca ( I’m not sure how to spell it ). There were a lot of different times that you could choose from but I choose from the university to Balavanca? Was 7:55 - 8:05.
For maths I want to learn about fractions and about time. I want to learn about fractions because I don’t really understand them. And I want to learn how to tell the time because it can help you in your everyday life and because I don’t understand the analog time.