Kia ora, I am a Year 8 student at Tamaki Primary School in Auckland, NZ. I am in the Kia Manawanui syndicate and my kaiako are Ms. Komor & Ms. Aireen.
Thursday, 1 December 2016
Earthquake DLO
Hi today for reading me and one of my friends Troy made DLO about earthquakes.In the DLO we had put how they are formed what happens if somtimes they aren't going to have an earthquake.We also put how many places there have been in December.
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Hi this week we have read a text about A girl that has been through an earthquake in the middle of the night.And her whole family has to try and survive for a few days with the water they have a and the food they have.And an earthquake is basicly when two tectonic plates rub together and sometimes one goes under and one goes on top.The one that goes underneath because of the mantels.
Friday, 25 November 2016
EOTC Reflection
Hi today for class we were doing reflections about our EOTC week and what we did and what we liked about it.The other thing we were reflecting on was how we have behaved and how we were acting during these events.
Thursday, 24 November 2016
EOTC Movies-Water day
Yesterday for EOTC our group of classes had a fun wet water day after lunch. we had a slip and slide and we had a gymnastic set up on the field.And the other two things we had were buckets filled with water and sponges so you can wet each other.And we had high jump on the end of the field that was connected to the gymnastics.
Today we went to the Howick theater to watch the secret life of pets with some parent helpers.The movie was about a couple of pets living in new york one of them had to live with another pet brother.They don't get along and one day they go missing they go under the city and find a group of pets. Trying to take over New York for their owners have abandoned them. was with room 8's teacher aid Roy and in his group was Me,Leilani, Hope,Lizzy and Denzel.My Favirote part about the movie was when the old dog walked of the building and they thought he had died but he had landed on a flat surface.
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
Manaiakalani Film Festavil
Hi today me Room 8 and our buddy class room1 wne to the Sylvia Park Hoyts to go to the 9th manaiakalani film festival.My buddy's name is Reshawn he said that he favirote movie was our school's first one that room 10 made.He said this because it was funny it made alot of people laugh and it was showing our school values in the end.If I could choose one word to descirbe it that word would be funny.
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
Room 1 buddy blog post
Hi this afternoon our buddy class room 1 came into our class me and Mahara's buddy's name was Shawn.He like to play games in his class during school here is our photo of our group.
Thursday, 3 November 2016
Hi today our class and room 7 had 2 visitors in each class they came to our class to teach us about how to save money when we are older and the tought us how to do things differently.The two people that we had in our class names were Laura and Caroline.They came from the company PWC during this time we did little work sheets that would help us with what we were doing.
Monday, 31 October 2016
This term for kiwisport our school has been having basketball as there basketball.Today we leanrt how to dribble how to shoot and how to lay up.During the lesson we also learnt the rules of a half cort game and a full cort game.Hope you enjoy
Monday, 10 October 2016
Term 4-Holidays
Hi today In writing we all got to write out our term4 goals and got to write about our holidays in my holiday it was scary funny and great at the same time.
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Myron Simpson
Hi today Myron Simpson came to our school to tell us about him and about the equipment that he uses when he is racing.Well he was here he told us about aerodynamic things and about what it means.It means something to cut through the wind and to make something or someone faster.He told us that the fastest that he has ever gone in a race is 110 km/h and if you drive that fast anywhere you have to pay $700 dollars.I think that he is a role model because he sets good examples around kids and he makes kids follow their dreams.
Myron Simpson
Hi today Myron Simpson came to our school to tell us about him and about the equipment that he uses when he is racing.Well he was here he told us about aerodynamic things and about what it means, it means something to cut through the wind and to make something or someone faster.He told us the the fastest that he has ever gone in a race is 110 km/h and if you drive that fast anywhere you have to pay $700 dollars.I think that he is a role model because he stets good examples around kids and he makes kids follow their dreams.
Friday, 16 September 2016
Chinese language week.
Hi today Me and my class did a google drawing about facts about china in this it tells you about the chinese new year and about their
Friday, 9 September 2016
Tongan Language Week.
Hi this week our school had Tongan lanuage week.And today our school and Ruapotaka school had a Tongan celebration assembly.During the assembly we heard the school band and the school Tongan group we also had a lot of presentations from a lot of different classes at TPS.In the end Ruapotaka gave our school some gifts for us letting them stay at our school and still learn and have play.
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Making tapa cloths
Hi today our class made tapa clothes to celebrate tongan language week on my one I made a turtle with patterns inside.
Swimming Lessons
Hi today our class had swimming lessons with room 3 in our lesson we learnt how to do backstroke,freestyle,dolphin dive and breaststroke.During the lesson we had bit of fun and mucking around.
Swimming Lessons
Hi today our class had swimming lessons with room 3 in our lesson we learnt how to do backstroke,freestyle,dolphin dive and breaststroke.During the lesson we had bit of fun and mucking around.
Wednesday, 31 August 2016
Learning about ratio's
Today me and my class were learning about ratio's and how to make it easy for us to understand them.During our lesson we were practicing them one of the questions that we had were at the zoo if there were 8 monkeys for every 3 gorilla's.If there were twenty gorilla's how many monkeys would there be.
Keeping safe around school
Hi today some of the senior syndicate had Constable Tiena came to our school so that she could teach us how to be safe coming and leaving school.On of the things that she told us was that in 2006 there were 12 kids killed and 320 injured.
Monday, 29 August 2016
Organ parts T3W6
HI today me and my class did a google drawing about one of the organs in your body.I choose to do the liver because it dose over 500 jobs in your body to sort out vitamins and minerals.
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Life Education bus
For the last two week's our school has been going to the life education bus they teach the kids about thier body hope you enjoy.
Friday, 19 August 2016
Year 5,6,7 and 8 school olympic's
Hi on Thursday all of the senior syndicate were doing there own little olympics and games the first thing that the seniors did is there own little opening ceremony one of the teachers made a torch the school leader's had to run around the bike track with the torch in the air.Then all the year groups broke up into all the sports that they were going to do with the teacher at that station the first sport that my group did is relay we ran around the bike track passing on the baton running as if the track were on fire.
The second sport that we did was long jump every person got at least eight jumps before we went onto shot put at shot put some people threw the ball so far that it almost hit some people in the head.
One of the things that my year got to was go to the gymnastics you had to jump,roll and cartwheel to get to the end of the optical track.
After that we were up to the last activity rob the nest you had four different groups and you had to run to the middle as many times as you could and grab one ball at a time who ever had the most ball's in the end.
I really enjoyed the school olympics because I had a lot of fun and it was nice to go and do some fun things with my friends.
I really enjoyed the school olympics because I had a lot of fun and it was nice to go and do some fun things with my friends.
Friday, 12 August 2016
Cybersmart DLO
Hi today for cybersmart me and my two friends AzureDream and Troy did a DLO on what it is like in a cybersmart class.
Friday, 29 July 2016
Bolg Goals T3W1
Hi today I did goals for my blogging for term 3 by the end of the term I want to have 306 blog posts and try to make my blogs a bit more interesting
Friday, 1 July 2016
Weekly Blog Post
Hi this week our class had a lot of fun like on Thurseday we were watching richie rich we got up to the part when he invites the kids over to play.
Witching hour
Hi today I wrote a story about the witching hour out of the BFG in my version there are Goku,Evil Goku,Skips and the Punisher.
The Witching Hour
A long time ago someone told me that the witching hour was when the most favorite cartoon characters come to live to stop evil villains and the troll king's army . The two most fearsome fighters are Goku and Skips (of regular show) they have to fight evil Goku and the Punisher.The troll king's army is locked the secret fault in the middle of earth that 0nly evil goku.There job is to protect all the kids off the world to do that they have a cloning device to clone each other to find out where all the enemies are they have an huge world screen that show where they are (no one knows that they have this job).When they are in battle they all have weapons to help in battle.
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Hi today for syndicate arts we learnt how to do quilling,quilling is like making art out of paper and letting your mind run free and choose your own art picture.
Friday, 17 June 2016
Matariki DLO
Hi today I did an DLO about Matariki In this you will see some myths and legends some are true some aren't.
Brain Falkner at TPS
Hi on Wensday Brain Falkner,Came into our school to tell us about some of his story's and to tell us how to be better at writing.My favorite part was when e showed us a drawing of a few squiggly lines and told us what one of the other kids said from another school he said the it look's like a naked man sitting a sand castle.
Thursday, 16 June 2016
Captain underpants
Hi today for reading I did an book review on captain underpants turbo toilet 2000.
Title:Captain underpants and the past with the turbo toilet 2000.
Author:Dav Pilkey
What would you rate this book out of 10?
I would give this book a 10/10 because it is funny for all the little kids that read it and it is like an adventure story at the same time.
Who are you recommending this book to?
(Other year 5 and 6 students? Tamaki Students? Adults? People who like scary/funny stories?)
I think kids who are looking for adventure and funny things.
Who were the main characters in this book?
Captain underpants,George,Harold,Melvin and the Turbo toilet 2000.
What was the theme of the book?
(Was it funny? Was it scary? Did it contain lots of action?)
It was funny because Harold and his nan had to try tell the story in there own words and then the nan was starting to get annoyed that it wasn't a P.G book.
There were loads of action as an example the turbo toilet 2000 ran Melvin into the school and then smashed that walls down and Melvin found a nail from captain underpants and stabbed himself and got super powers.
What was your favourite part of the book?
When Melvin got powers and was the town hero and people were calling “YO BIG MELVIN!!when it was just because people dropped their wallet down the toilet.
If you had to use 6 words to describe the book what words would they be?
5.Time Traveling
Review written by: Perenara
Crinkum Crankum.
Hi today for reading I did an book review on a book called Crinkum Crankum written by Margaret Mahy.
Title:Crinkum Crankum
Author:Margaret Mahy
What would you rate this book out of 10?
A 9 because it is about A tree that turns into the best tree in town because of a witch and a fair godmother.
Who are you recommending this book to?
Oher year 5 students,to learn that sometimes if you try to do bad things it could turn into something good and to other people that like books with witches and fairies.
(Other year 5 and 6 students? Tamaki Students? Adults? People who like scary/funny stories?)
Who were the main characters in this book?
Crikum crankum
The Witch
The fairy godmother.
What was the theme of the book?
Mythical magic it was a pretty funny because off the witch making the tree better.
(Was it funny? Was it scary? Did it contain lots of action?)
What was your favourite part of the book?
In the end when the
If you had to use 6 words to describe the book what words would they be?
3.Medevil times.
4.Child play book
Review written by: Perenara
Friday, 10 June 2016
Thursday, 9 June 2016
Hi today for inquiry I wrote a DLO about matariki it has a story about matariki that I learnt and some facts I learnt.
Northwood reading activities.
Hi today for reading we were listening to a book NorthWood written by Brian Falkner it is about a little girl who somehow end's up in northwood and the enchanted forest.
My Playground
Hi today for writing I did an writing explosion you had to choose out of three pictures one of them you had to design your playground .
Perimeter and Area.
Hi today for maths I did an DLO on Perimeter and Area like if you were going to run the length of the field you would run the Perimeter and if you were counting steps of the field you would do the area of the field.
Wednesday, 8 June 2016
Friday, 3 June 2016
Samoan Language week
Hi today for inquiry we did an DLO on Samoa's language,you had to write the numbers ten/twenty in Samoan hope you enjoy.
Reading Comprehension
Hit today for reading I did a quiz On a T-Rex-The flu-Spiders and dolphins hope you enjoy.
What makes a good Author
Hi today for reading I did work on what makes a good author and what he needs to do.Hope you enjoy
Thursday, 2 June 2016
Samoa information report
Hi today for writing we were writing information reports on Samoa or its language I did one on Samoa and its history.And two famous Samoan people that come from a long line of wrestlers the usos.
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
Information Report on Pool picnic day.
Hi today for writing we were doing information reports on a card we picked the one I got I had to write about a time when our school and a party I choose the Pool Picnic Day.
Information Report 2
I have participated in a school party. It was the Pool Picnic day,we were not celebrating because it was kind off a sad day because it was the day we were going to the pools but it got canceled.The food that we had was the food that we brought to school.The first game we could play was you had to wet a sponge in a bucket then run and squeeze it into another bucket.
The next game we could play was you were blindfolded and you had to hug a tree to keep on moving there was also the slip and slide and the chalk drawing and if you didn't want to do those games you could just go onto the bouncy castles. There was one big one for all the seniors a big castle the for the juniors they had a little blow up play house.The whole class thought that it was fun some off the kids tried to wet all the teachers.
Steven Adams And his team losing.
Hi today for reading I read an article about Steven Adams and his team losing to the Golden State Warriors and not makeig it to the finals.
Monday, 30 May 2016
Samoan Language Week
Hi today for writing we were doing a DLO about Samoa and its language did you know that Samoan people are Cultural?Hope you enjoy.
Samoan Language week
Hi today for languages we were doing it about Samoa and its culture and words because it is Samoan language week.
Friday, 27 May 2016
Crafts blog post
Hi today for crafts we were learning three things how to make plastic bags,bookmarks and hexagon shelves we made out of things that would have been chucked out because of recycling.
Thursday, 26 May 2016
Hi today for inquiry we had to make a DLO on a symbol that is important to us for me it was a Tiki hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Hi today for reading my group was reading about butterflies did you know that butterflies only have three body parts a head,Thorax and a abdomen.
Friday, 13 May 2016
Maths Mental strategies.
WALT: use mental strategies to solve two digit and three digit addition problems: using known facts, making tens and compensation.
Hi today for maths my group were doing strategies to solve two digit and three digit number making tens and compensation.
Hi today for maths my group were doing strategies to solve two digit and three digit number making tens and compensation.
Haiku writing.
WALT:write a Haiku confidently.
Hi today for writing we were learning how to write a Haiku poem I did three haiku's hope you enjoy.
Hi today for writing we were learning how to write a Haiku poem I did three haiku's hope you enjoy.
Friendship Haiku
- Friendship is a thing that
That we should celebrate and
Always have and hold.
- ANZAC is a day
That people rejoice for the
Men that went to war.
Song Haiku
- Songs are a tune
It is also a rhythm
Match it with a beat.
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
Big Reval
Hi today me and Sakaria and the hole school went to go see a big reveal it was Miss Manuyag,Miss Shama and Miss Barlow That were putting on an act of the three little pigs.
Monday, 9 May 2016
ANZAC Memorial
Last Thursday on the 5 of May Tamaki primary had ANZAC memorial all the classes were out
side and all brought an offering.
side and all brought an offering.
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
My Term 2 blog goals.
I want to blog what I am working on.I need to do this to explain to others what I am learning about.This is me learning to share my work.
WALT:Summarise information about ANZAC
Hi today I did a google drawing about anzac facts like when the landed in Gallipoli.
Lest we forget
Hi today for reading we read a book Lest we forget then we had to answer questions about the book and the author.
Monday, 2 May 2016
My holiday.
WALT: Write a recount about our holidays.
In the holidays me and some family went to kawakawa bay to pick pipes this drawing will tell you what we saw and what we did hope you enjoy.
In the holidays me and some family went to kawakawa bay to pick pipes this drawing will tell you what we saw and what we did hope you enjoy.
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
Best mates
Hi today for reading I read an article called best mates it was about two friends and one of them has to move to auckland and the other mate (Mana) that is sad hope you enjoy.
Thursday, 7 April 2016
The story of king midas
Hi today we read a text about King Midas who use to live in a huge castle with his daughter Marigold,Hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, 6 April 2016
Hi today for reading I learnt about explicit and Implicit sentences here is my work Please comment.
Friday, 1 April 2016
Writing creatively about music
WALT use WOW words to help with creative writing. WALT use a large and increasing bank of high-frequency, topic-specific, and personal-content words to create meaning.
Hi today we all made poster about music that we heard to me it made me feel sad and happy at the same time.
Hi today we all made poster about music that we heard to me it made me feel sad and happy at the same time.
Rppier rugby-2016
Hi this week,On Thursday the 31 2016,the year 5/6 went to ripper rugby in dunkirk and played seven different schools my school had 3 different team Tamaki A,Tamaki B and Tamaki C I was in Tamaki B.In my team was Mahara,kanye,Ranet,Aumau, Arizona,Agnise and Destiny the other teams we verst was Howic,Point england,Silvia park,Bucklin beach,St hailiers girls,stan hope and Pamure disrtic.My team Tamaki B one three games lost three games and tied one.At the end of prize giving each school got four rugby balls since we had three teams we got twelve rugby balls.
Thursday, 24 March 2016
No Big Deal -W8T1 2015
WALT: develop a deeper understanding of what we are reading.
Hi This Week for reading,we had to do a presentation about an article that me and my reading group read.
The article we read was about a little boy that was color blind, named Cody his friend Gemma found out that he was blind,because she put a green and red apples in front of them a moved them around and he thought that the red one was the green one.
Hi This Week for reading,we had to do a presentation about an article that me and my reading group read.
The article we read was about a little boy that was color blind, named Cody his friend Gemma found out that he was blind,because she put a green and red apples in front of them a moved them around and he thought that the red one was the green one.
Friday, 11 March 2016
Kiwi can W6T1 2016.
WALT:Recount an event from our week.
Hi this week we had kiwi can in this session we were learning to give things a try and how to be a good leader.Also since we were learning to give things a try we (Room 8) had a paper plane competition who could make there paper plan then we had to through it as far as we could my friend Wiriana one his plane went half way down the field.
Hi this week we had kiwi can in this session we were learning to give things a try and how to be a good leader.Also since we were learning to give things a try we (Room 8) had a paper plane competition who could make there paper plan then we had to through it as far as we could my friend Wiriana one his plane went half way down the field.
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
Keep the fox flying
This is one of the reading tasks I did it was a bout the text that we read yesterday on Tuesday in this presentation you will see what things a thought of this article and what happened in it as well hope you enjoy.
Thursday, 3 March 2016
Tuakana tana day with room 1.
This was yesterday when we had Tuakana Teina day our buddy class was room 1 when we had some spare time me and my friends and our little buddy's decided to go play with some blocks we started to make a Tower then we took some other photos in the one of us building it we got photo bombed look behind us look at the boy with blond and black hair then zoom in... that was so funny when we found out we could't stop laughing.


All about me?
My Name is Perenara and I am a year 6 student at Tamaki Primary School in Auckland in my class I like to use my net book for games, maths,reading and writing. My best friends are Mahara and Fe’ao one of our favourite game to play at school is basket ball one of my favourite games to play at home are agar,io online and out side I like to play soft ball and baseball (manly because you get to hit a ball with a bat). One of my things foods is pancakes and maple syrup some of my favourite movies to watch are Ride along 2 and Kung fu panda 3 something that I want to learn about this year is maths.
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